Friday, February 26, 2010

Repost: A Message of Discovery & Hope

Dear Friends and Family:

It is a new time for us now as we sit in awe of the current federal deficit which seems only to be getting worse. The government would like you to believe that the economy is getting better and that by taking over the healthcare system, you will be better provided for in the future. No matter what you may think, I challenge you to do your own research. By this I mean really look into it. Don’t just assume you know the facts. Each political party provides you with the information they want for you to hear. If you are a conservative you are probably only consuming media from the right side, not allowing any other information to enter into your world. If you are a liberal, the same goes for the left side. I ask you to please open your mind and discover the wealth of information that abounds. There is so much to know, so many questions to be asked and answered and only you can do that for yourself. Please do NOT rely on the media or political parties to feed you information because most of it is bogus or tainted to encourage you to lean one way or the other.

I invite you to check out the website where you will find many videos that I promise you will make you think long and hard about what is happening in this country today. We have no one to blame but ourselves for not getting involved. Hopefully we can begin answering our own questions and coming together as a nation to resolve the issues that lie ahead of us.

If you get a chance, please check out this promotional short film for “Songs for the Fall of an Empire” by Ignacio Peña:
It’s 8 minutes of your life that won’t be wasted. Feel free to pass it on.

We can fix this. Meet me in the middle.

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