Sunday, May 25, 2014

Switchfoot's 10th Annual Bro-Am

Who's joining me for Bro-Am in San Diego in July????  I am uber excited to see these guys two days in a row and to be able to experience my very 1st surf competition.  So much to see and do while my niece and I enjoy the likes of Rob Machado and the Switchfoot boys.

My Soul Refueled...

I was so excited to see Switchfoot for the 4th time, this time at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco.  I had purchased the VIP experience so I'd be able to do the meet & greet but the day of the show I received an email stating it would take place at 4:30pm, prior to the show, right after soundcheck.  The last time I had done a meet & greet with these boys it was after the show so when I purchased passes, I excepted it to be the same process.  Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed that I had to request a refund because there would be no way my friend and I could make it to the city before 6pm.

Lucky for me, after an amazing show, we waited by the back entrance to the venue and Drew Shirley came out.  We chatted for a couple of minutes & I took this awesome photo with him.  A moment I will treasure always.

Amazon Prime Day 2020 Coming Soon!

Amazon Prime Day 2020 is coming so you better get prepared. Prime Day is Amazon's biggest sale event of the year exclusive to Prime memb...