Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Update on MAGA Awards

After seeing how the MAGA march/rally came together (or in this case "didn't come together") on Memorial Day weekend in D.C., I've decided I won't be attending the MAGA Awards planned by the same team of people. Instead I'm putting my energy and time into the nationwide #MarchForJustice to fight for justice for the families of Extortion 17 and Benghazi. See website for more details March For Justice along with the press release and flyers below.

This event will be taking place nationwide. As cities are confirmed they'll be added to the website so check back often.

If you donated to me for my trip to the MAGA Awards via my PayPalMe account and would like a refund, I'm happy to do so. If not, I'll use the money to pay my way to March For Justice. I haven't decided which event I'll be attending as I'm torn between San Diego/Los Angeles, New York City or D.C. I'll keep you all posted! If you'd like to donate to help me with my expenses you can do so paypal.me/saltwaterheart. Anything you donate is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again for keeping up with me, following my twitter, Instagram, Facebook & blogger. So grateful for all the love and support from everyone!


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